The Best Guide For Suing Hypoallergenic Eyeshadow

By Lisa Wood

Make-up is an enhancer of beauty, and it is now becoming popular today. Most women are embracing the use of makeup unlike in the olden days where the use of make-ups was an abomination in many societies. Among the most used accessories that you will come across is eye shadows. This make-up works tricks when it comes to enhancing the attractiveness of a woman. However, you might be loving the make-up, but it fails to return the favors. Choosing the wrong one will make you suffer the consequences. On this article are some guides, you can use to get the right Hypoallergenic Eyeshadow for you.

Choosing the right shade for your eyes is not an easy task that you can engage in. You can use the help of a beautician to look for a shade that suits your eyes. Also, with the many options to select from, you might end up getting more and more confused.

In the event your eyes are blue, it would, therefore, be advisable to go for a darker version and you must know that the right color will bring out the best results. It is not every color that will suit you. In the bright colors category, you will encounter oranges, browns, peaches and pinks. These are the best colors that can complement the blue eyes. If you happen to wear blue or green, the intensity of the eye color shall be reduced. The eyes will also be darker.

For the girls with green eyes, here is their color of shade that they need. The best colors would be purple, plums and pinks. After applying these colored shades, you are sure that you are on point. To bring out the brightness, you need to apply a darker shade for a dramatic evening you will be having.

For the ladies with darks pupils metallic shades are the way to go as the white in the eyes is more highlighted. The navy, brown, gray and even white will also work shockingly well for you. The eyes will be reflected beautifully with the use of these metallic colors.

Knowing your skin tone is also another factor that will hold in determining the best shade of eyeshadow for you. It is widely known that there are three kinds of skin tones that are cool, warm, and neutral or in other words dark fare and pale. Along with these colors come different eye colors. So as you set out to find the best color for you, your skin tone and skin color should be a priority all factors considered.

If you have pale skin, make sure that you apply the warm colors. For the warm colors, we are talking about colors like salmon pink and apricot. These are the colors that will be best suited for the pale skins. You must keep away from mixing colors, and juts use a variation of harmonious tones and earth colors.

In conclusion, with the guidelines above, you will make the right choice for you. Thus, you will embrace the benefits of applying make-up since you have found what suits you. Also, confidence is a guarantee once you know what looks good on you.

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