Effects Of Using Soy Products For Menopause Relief

By Mayra Horner

Menopause is that stage when woman ovaries stop producing estrogen. This may be from 45-55 years though others experience it early or even later in their life time. Sometimes it does not apply to all women. It has been noted that ladies who experience their menopausal symptoms early take too long than their counter parts. However, menopause relief with soyis recommended by many medical experts.

Despite having been proven to relief menopause symptoms, not all soy products are useful. However, when using them one has to be aware of these effects that they are going to have on their bodies. Soybeans are known to have high level of phytic acid than other legumes or grains.

This acid usually limits the body from absorbing minerals like calcium, zinc, iron and magnesium. This can worsen the situation especially to those people who have high levels of anxiety during this period due to low level of zinc deficiency. This can also lead to depression and uncontrolled anxiety levels.

Apart from prevention of menopause symptoms soy basically have also been used in the prevention of cancer and more so breast cancer. A study conducted in Asia on women who consumed the traditional soy products when they were young or at their teenage stage had low chances of suffering from breast cancer compared to their counterparts.

Excessive sweating is another menopause symptom which affects almost every woman in this age bracket. This is caused by decrease in estrogen hormone levels. This affects the brain and the nervous system to an extend that one cannot concentrate or have a good night sleep. This eventually leads to excessive sweating during the night.

Daily consumption of soy products can lower ones risk of developing heart problems. This is because soy lowers the cholesterol levels thus providing a healthy heart. Normally the recommended daily soy consumption should be 25 grams since high intake has been associated with digestive system disorders.

However, apart from providing a healthy heart diet, soy has also been proved to lower high blood pressure. This is due to its property of lowering cholesterol levels from our bodies. On the other hand soy products can be used to increase fertility among women who have complications when trying to get a baby before menopause.

As we age and grow old our bodies are prone to health complications like heart attacks, high blood pressure among others. Using natural soy products helps control the risk of developing these complications by lowering the cholesterol levels in the body. On the other hand women are encouraged to consume these products when they are at their tender age in order to lower their chances of getting breast cancer.

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